It is not surprising that after more than 50 years since the first production of the first 1300 Junior Zagato, anno
2023 it is difficult to find the correct and original parts.
At various times we have noted that once started with the restoration, especially since the last 5 years,
finding good (fitting!) spare parts for the JZ is increasingly difficult, not to mention that the parts are becoming more and more expensive.
Also owners who already have a JZ and who are not daily -as we do- in search for JZ parts, to their surprise will experiencet
that if a part of their car breaks down , it will not be easy to replace the brooken part.
More than 20 years ago, we started with building up a private JZ-stock.
Used parts and
sometimes even new ones in original packages.
Spare parts from this stock are only available to loyal donators/members of the Junior Zagato
archive (HJZA) who are in the possession of a Junior Zagato.
our stock is not meant for "one time - members" who are inspired to become a member because they can purchase rare spare parts!
Also traders and dealers are not able to buy JZ spare parts.
Underneath you will find a presentation of the JZ spare parts that we have reguarly
in our own stock.
(or is in the stock of members or suppliers - both in Holland as in Italy, the UK and Germany).
due to the fact the spare part stock is changing day by day we do not publish or provide our members with spare
part lists !
Consult us about the item you are searching for and if you decide to buy without consulting us, convince
yourself about the originality of the part (before making the deal).
Leading are the original part numbers as published in the original Junior Z 1300 & 1600 Z Spare Parts Catalogue
(note: a copy of this catalogue is available for members of our HJZA-club at a small price).
Please take into consideration that the Junior Zagato 1300/1600 Z is and was a
handmade car.
This means that after market parts, even NOS parts or parts that we ourselves have
reproduced can cause fitting problems on your JZ and will, in most cases , still need some adjustment.
JZ spare parts that we re-produce are manufactured to our best knowledge accordingly the specifications of the AR factory, but as said before, these
parts may need some adjustment when you or your mechanic is finally installing the part on your JZ.
Of course, when you should meet fitting problems with re-produced spare parts, we are most interested to hear your comments in order to be able to improve the reproductions.
When you are looking for parts, please send us your e-mail to :
After that we can inform you about availability and prices
carefully that we are a private enterprise without profit objectives and that we
are not a shop where (occasional) JZ owners or dealers or restorers ,who are just passing by, can
drop their "shopping-list"!
If this happens, you will receive no response, whatsoever.
Junior Zagato onderdelen
Het is niet zo verwonderlijk dat na bijna 50 jaar sinds de eerste productie van de eerste Junior Zagato 1300, het anno 2023 bepaald lastig is om aan de juiste en originele onderdelen te
Het is ons al verschillende malen gebleken dat enthousiast een begin wordt gemaakt met de restauratie, maar dat gaandeweg, zeker de laatste 5 jaar men er door eigen ervaring achter komt dat het
vinden van de goede onderdelen steeds lastiger en niet te vergeten ook steeds duurder wordt.
Ook eigenaren die al een JZ hebben en niet dagelijks - zoals wij dat doen - het aanbod van JZ onderdelen in de gaten houden, komen ineens voor onaangename verrassingen te staan als er een onderdeel van hun auto kapot gaat en moet worden vervangen.
Ruim 20 jaar geleden hebben wij een begin gemaakt met het aanleggen van een eigen JZ-stock. Gebruikt en soms nog nieuw in de originele verpakking.
Onderdelen uit deze eigen voorraad stellen wij graag ter beschikking aan loyale donateurs, leden van Het Junior Zagato Archief en tevens eigenaar van een bij ons bekende en geregistreerde Junior
de onderdelen uit onze eigen JZ voorraad zijn uitdrukkelijk niet bestemd voor "gelegenheids - leden/donateurs" die éénmalig lid worden om zo aan zeldzame onderdelen te kunnen komen.
Onze onderdelen zijn ook niet bestemd voor handelaren/dealers.
De navolgende dia-presentatie geeft U enig inzicht in de onderdelen die wij voorhanden hebben.
Het moge duidelijk zijn dat deze voorraad vrijwel dagelijks een wijziging ondergaat en U doet er dus verstandig aan ons een e-mail te sturen (
) en om actuele informatie te vragen.
Wij werken uitsluitend met de originele onderdeel nummers conform de originele Junior Z en 1600 Z onderdelen catalogus.
(Heeft U nog geen catalogus ?
Tegen geringe vergoeding kunt U bij ons een duplicaat catalogus bestellen)
Sedert enige tijd hebben wij zelf bepaalde onderdelen in productie genomen.
Hierbij geldt dat bij voldoende aanmeldingen en het bereiken van een per onderdeel verschillend minimum aantal bestellingen, de productie snel een aanvang kan
Informeert U naar de mogelijkheden en voorwaarden.
release date: May 2022
In the course of the year 2022/2023 we will produce a next badge of
complete frontbumpers (as to be seen in the picture).
It's funny and so far we did not really found out why such a lot of Junior Zagato's (1300!) are missing their front bumpers?
(due to accidents, perhaps a better look without....??
if you have suggestions, let us know!)
But anyway, in a short time new bumpers will be obtainable again,
of course they are like to original, and some parts are even better manufactured and well protected against all kinds of weather influences.
If you would like to obtain a complete frontbumper for your Junior Z,
please send us an e-mail !
After receipt, we will provide you with more details and inform you about availability*)
*) note:
while the number off re-produced frontbumpers is very limited, do not wait too long to contact us when you are seriously interested.
(and please remember: only for members !)
Release date : March, 18th , 2022
NOS stock found and in stock
We are very happy to inform our members that we have succeeded during our recent
JZ research tour (in among others Italy) to find NOS parts for both the Junior Z 1300
and the 1600 Z.
Underneath you will find an overview of the parts together with pictures and original part numbers.
Members of whom we know that there are searching for these parts in line with the restoration of their JZ, will be informed directly.
Other HJZA members can write us an e-mail together with the VIN number of their JZ
to express their wishes.
Please note that the stock is limited.
If you need more information: please let us know.
(as stated before, our spare parts service is only available for owners of a Junior Zagato 1300/1600 and registered HJZA members and consequently not meant for professional
restorers or spare-part traders)
Interior parts and panels
As you will see the "Junior Z Workshop
Bottega " produces regularly new parts for the JZ interior.
Especially the cover at the front window side of the dashboard -
from heat and sunshine.
The covers crumbles and gets out the original shape.
We are happy to inform you that this cover is obtainable.(new pruction with quite an acceptable fitting).
All the other above mentioned parts are on request obtainable.
We have several original doorpanels in stock (NOS color Brown, Beige); when you need balck doorpanels, painting the NOS brown ones is quite a good option (next to new production).
In the picture undrneath you can have a look at partnumber (dashboard cover with the airflow holes nearest to the front window)
The dash part
(the second cover) can be restored in most cases. NOS they are very hard to find.
's-Hertogenbosch, May 23, 2022
The "trennwand" ( dividing plates) for the front (very hard to find an description let alone a proper italiaan name for this part!) in the original JZ documentation and no original partnumber to
be found) is a reproduction of the JZWS/HJZA.
Obtainable on request.
During the years these adjustment nuts disappear (just get lost) and it should not be a surprise to you that maybe you have never seen them before !!
When you order, you will receive them with 4 metric hexagon bolts (M4) to attach to the body of your Junior Z of 1600 Z.
Rubber Door Corners !
miv november 2015 nieuw gemaakt ten behoeve van het Junior Zagato Archief !
"Coprigiunto per guarnizione" or
in better English: "Door corner rubber"
original partnumber:
(Alfa) or
(Zagato) : 93.27.002
The rubber is much better shaped with a better fitting.
Available as set of two, for left and right.
For your order as member (!):
send us your e-mail !
Restoring your Junior Z ?
Bent U bezig met de restauratie van Uw Junior Z ?
We hebben nieuwe sets "modderkappen" ( MUD GUARDS or KOTFLüGEL )laten produceren, die U zonder verdere aanpassingen kunt plaatsen in de
wielkasten van Uw JZ.
De platen worden geschroefd en zijn dus gemakkelijk te demonteren voor bijvoorbeeld een jaarlijkse schoonmaak beurt !
Nog slechts enkele sets in voorraad
( nieuwe productie zal weer plaats vinden bij een toereikend aantal nieuwe bestellingen).
We still have a few sets of "mud guards" (Elemento Parassassi anteriore e posteriore , partnumber and as mentioned in the JZ spare
parts Catalogue, Tavolo 107 and 108) available.
The sets are exactly as shown at the picture underneath:
If you would like to order a set (as member !) you can send your email to:
Junior Zagato Spare Parts
- only for (loyal) members-
Below you will find an overview of the items you can obtain with us.
This is a snapshot, because our inventory changes almost daily.
Are you looking for specific parts, please contact us by sending your e-mail to:
Mention in your e-mail the original partnumbers !!
Please note:
that we can support you with part-restorations.
For example: complete restoration console/tunnel, front and rear bumpers, headlight units, seat (hinge) repairs, rear window motors, interior parts etc.
If you "dubble klick" on the following individual photos you will get a big picture with text and/or explanation.
magnesium wheels:
as you will see we have now :
* 4 Cromodoro original magnesium wheels,
of course suitable for Junior Z and 1600 Z!
If you are interested to buy one of these wheel sets, please send us your email
to :
please note:
due to bad experiences in the past with exporting spare-parts to the USA
and Africa, we no longer ship parts to these countries.
Shippment must be arranged from the homeland by the buyer !
(Of course we do take care of safe and good packaging !)
- uitsluitend voor donateurs -
Onderstaand treft u een overzicht aan van de onderdelen die U bij ons kunt verkrijgen.
Dit is een moment opname, want onze voorraad wisselt vrijwel dagelijks.
Bent U op zoek naar specifieke onderdelen, neemt u via een e-mail dan contact met ons op.
Wij wijzen U er op dat wij ook deel-restauraties voor u kunnen uitvoeren.
Denk daarbij aan : complete console restauratie, voor-en achterbumpers, koplampunits,
stoel(scharnier) reparaties, achterruitmotortjes, interieurdelen etc.
Als U de onderstaande individuele foto's dubbel klikt dan krijgt u een grote foto met tekst en /of toelichting te zien.
in het overzicht treft U foto's aan van:
-een set van 4 velgen, Cromodoro, magnesium met naaf, uiteraard geschikt voor de Junior Z en de 1600 Z
-bij behorende wielmoeren zijn tevens beschikbaar
Bij interesse, stuurt U uw email naar: